Application Rates

Reduce Wasted Materials by Using Application Rates Based on Pavement Temperature

An important part of any winter maintenance program is a system to determine application rates of anti-icing or deicing materials based on pavement temperature and forecasted weather conditions. Application Rate tables are a useful tool to not only determine when to use what material and how much to use, but also ties into determining how much material you may need to order (budgeting), how much storage space is needed, what setting to identify when calibrating equipment, what to communicate to staff and as well as a basis for program evaluation. Links to blank application rate tables (for roads or parking lots/sidewalks) are below.

Blank Application Rate Charts for Winter Operations Planning

Application Rate Guidance for Parking Lots and Sidewalks

The application rate guidance provided here is meant to help you make intentional decisions for what application rates to use for deicing based on the materials available to you. The application rates provided are a compilation of information from practitioners across northern Illinois. The application rate chart presents rates based on commonly used materials and pavement temperatures. It is meant to be guidance, a goal to work towards, and adjusted based on experience.