Public support for your snow and ice strategies starts with education and outreach. Take advantage of the resources below, including graphics, blog posts, and videos, to get your community on board.
More Isn't Always Better PSA
Help Plow Drivers Keep Streets Clear and Safe - Romeoville
How Salt Impacts the Environment
Salt Smart, Save More Webinar
Brine at Home | Melt Snow Faster With Less Salt
Brine for Safe Roads and Less Salt

"Before You Grab the Salt" Doorway Poster
Throwing down salt isn’t the first and best option for creating safe walkways. Display this poster in entryways near winter tools, like shovels, scrapers, and salt buckets, to help your community be Salt Smart this winter.

Love the Lines Poster
A salt covered pavement isn’t safe pavement–it’s wasteful and environmentally harmful. Using less salt isn’t a trade off for safety. Best practices like anti-icing use significantly less salt to clear roads faster.

Winter Driving Safety Poster
Salting the streets isn’t the only part of maintaining winter safety. Drivers should adapt their driving habits to stay safe. This graphic shares tips for driving during and after snow storms.

Keep Streets Clear Poster
Parked cars and garbage cans in the streets slow down snow plows and make it harder to clear streets. Use this as a reminder to your community that open streets will get cleared better and faster.

WINter Together
Winter goes a little easier when the whole neighborhood pitches in. By following these tips, we can create safer roads and walkways for ourselves and neighbors.

Chloride outreach can be fun too! “Winter helpers” like shovels, brooms, scrapers, and snow blowers can help us tackle snow at home. After we’ve cleared as much snow as possible, then we can scatter salt on difficult areas.
Blog Posts

We have already printed bookmarks available for watershed group members. Contact Lea Rodbarry for more information.
Salt Scatter Cups

A 12 ounce cup or mug full of salt is enough to cover 10 sidewalk squares! Share these salt scatter cups with residents to promote Smart Salting techniques.
Members can contact Lea Rodbarry to get free cups.