The Salt Smart Collaborative is a clearing-house of information and resources for residents, public agencies and private snow removal companies. Our goal is to provide a space for people and organizations to come together and focus on issues surrounding the growing impacts of chlorides on our surface and groundwater resources.
The idea for the Salt Smart Collaborative grew out of a seasonal outreach campaign developed by the Lower DuPage River Watershed Coalition in 2016. Building upon the simple message of “Salt Less, Save More” the collaborative aims to highlight the innovative work of our partners across the region and collaborate to make a bigger impact.
The Salt Smart Collaborative is coordinated through The Conservation Foundation and supported by the following organizations. Contact us to find out how to be listed here.
Salt helps to keep our roads and sidewalks safe during the winter, but this salt often makes its way to our local rivers. While salt use is necessary to increase winter safety, we work with municipalities, private companies and residents to be Salt Smart to keep people safe and protect our local water quality.
Public agencies, organizations, and businesses are invited to join our watershed groups and gain full access of our chloride reduction outreach material and discounted workshop rates.